Bartosz Podgórski has always been drawing, has always painted, he is an architect, instead of getting old he blooms.

1984 - 1st place in the art competition "my favorite corner of the city".
1991 - Commencement of full-time studies at the Szczecin University of Technology in the field of architecture
1997 - Thesis "Development of space after the Extra Bar"
1997 - 1st place in the SARP architectural competition for "Space development after the Extra Bar"
2000 - Painting exhibition in Szczecin.
2006 - Individual exhibition of graphics at the Royal Gate in Szczecin.
2006 - Individual exhibition of graphics in the Kontrast Gallery in Cracow.
2007 - Individual exhibition of graphics at the Gdańsk Shipyard in the Artists' Colony.
2007 - Individual exhibition of graphics at the Gallery in Świnoujście.
2012 - 2nd place in the 1st edition of the national competition "I have a fireplace"
Bartosz Podgórski. Man made of smoke and fire.
Architect, painter, icon writer, poet, mystic. His passion and inner blend of unearthly peace with artistic anxiety, however, burst the frames of these categories.
His architectural passion can be seen in the house, which is the seat of the Studio of Icons of Our Lady of Sorrows. He designed this unusual structure with rounded shapes and built it together with his late father-in-law. The heart of this house is the stove, fire and light. There Bartosz creates icons, writes poems, plays strange, unknown instruments, prays, eating the words of the Psalms every morning.
He painted over 50 icons, graphics and oil paintings. He approaches the canon of icons creatively and freely, which sometimes makes Orthodox people worse. Certainly, however, his work is rooted in contemplation. His home is a space of silence, a space where you can receive strange signals from the world.
Bartosz wrote hundreds of poems, including the poem "Son". He also decorated the walls of the church in Mierzyn and the Chapel of Silence in the Seminary in Szczecin with his polychromes.
"Everything happens within the limits of God-humanity," says Bartosz about his work. “The point is that it should be Bartosz, but also Bartoszjezus. Creativity is in Jesus' name. Various themes of icons emerge from this name. For example, an icon representing Jesus' first meeting with Mary in eternity. I wanted to paint the most beautiful Mary I could imagine, and the people who saw it later said it was Mrs. Jola from the store. And very well. This is Ms. Jola's god-humanity "
Jarema Piekutowski